2017 Goal Setting – BMTV 102

Happy New Year! We hope you’ve had a fantastic break and that 2017 is going to be successful for you.

New Year is a great time to set new year’s resolutions and we have some great tips on how to achieve your goals for the year! Greg doesn’t like calling them New Year’s resolutions as he feels you can set and change your goals or year-round.

Tip 1: Choose 1 Goal

The first tip is to choose just one goal. Sometimes it is tempting to choose lots of little goals, but choosing one goal that is going to change your life the most makes it simpler to focus on just one thing.

Tip 2: Write it Down

There is something about writing you goal down that psychologically cements it in your head. Even if you write it down on a white board or a post-it note, the act of writing will make you more likely to stick to the goal.

Tip 3: Plan It

It’s all well and good saying you’re going to be a millionaire this year but how are you going to achieve it? This is where you can set little tasks and draw an action plan of the steps you are going to take to achieve you goal.

Tip 4: Allow for Changes

It is unlikely that your plan is going to stay the same throughout the year but that’s ok! Your plan can change as new things happen or you don’t meet your expectations early on. It is better to change your goal than to give up because it’s not worked out as you’ve expected.

Tip 5: Keep Yourself Motivated

Perhaps one of the most important tip is to stay motivated. This is different for everyone so there isn’t a set of directions to give. But, for example, Greg goes out walking and listens to audiobooks as a way of keeping himself motivated to lose weight. A business motivator could be to read business blogs like the Business Insider or startups.co.uk, you could also join networking groups like 4Networking, BNI or FSB.


We did talk at the end of last year about how prices are going up due to the de-valuation of the pound. We have started raising prices of some of our products and will continue to do so as suppliers raise theirs. There is so good news however as Qualatex are not going to raise their prices till February. This means you’ve still got a few weeks to new stock at last year’s prices so head over to balloonmarket.co.uk to take a look.

Speaking of prices, you can always get a great bargain in our clearance section. A lot of the stock in there has just been discontinued and isn’t even out of date. Greg noticed that there are some Fireman Sam plates in the clearance section and people are still having Fireman Sam parties!


We send out a survey every year around this time in which we ask you what we could improve with the website and the general Balloon Market experience! We want everything to run as a smooth as possible for you and make your lives easy so if there’s anything that you think could be improved, let us know in the survey! We’ll be sending these out via email over the next couple of week’s so keep an eye out.

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and we will be talking about it in much more depth in future episodes. But just to show you one product that we think is going to hot! This is the Love Script by Northstar but in RED. These are a limited run that we’ve bought quite a few of because we think they are going to be popular. They are going to go crazy on Instagram and remember they are limited so get them while you can.

Right that’s it for this week, Question of the Week is “what is your goal for 2017?”. See you next time!


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