Balloon Basics 16 – Balloon Bond vs Stretchy Balloon Tape


Welcome to this episode of Balloon Basics where Mark Drury joins us to discuss the difference between Clik-Clik’s Balloon Bond and Stretchy Balloon Tape.

These two products are fundamental parts of the balloon world and many professionals can’t survive without it! Let’s see what they can do.

Firstly, let’s start with Stretchy Balloon Tape. We’ve used this quite a lot in BMTV before for anchor points, connecting 2 large numbers together and many other times! It’s a single sided adhesive tape which is flexible.

Next, let’s move on to Balloon Bond. It’s a double-sided adhesive (not a tape). It takes a little bit longer to adhere to surfaces than the Stretchy Balloon Tape. As it’s not on a tape backing, it’s a lot more stretchy than Stretchy Balloon Tape. As balloons go down overtime or expand in the heat, Balloon Bond is your best friend! It’s so flexible that as the balloon contracts, it will also contract, and as it expands, the Balloon Bond will also expand.

How do you use them?

Stretchy Balloon Tape – Once you have cut it down to your desired length, you can peel off the back. This comes off in two halves which could be handy if you’re doing some fiddly work! Once you stick these to a balloon you have instant, strong adhesion.

Balloon Bond – Once you’ve selected your desired amount (you don’t need much!) peel off one side of the backing, attach to the surface, warm it up and then peel off the other side and you can stick away. You may need to hold the balloons in position for a few seconds or minutes to let the adhesive set.

So, to summarise:

Stretchy Balloon Tape

  • Single sided adhesive tape
  • Great for creating anchor points
  • Acts like a contact adhesive
  • Stretchy (but not as stretchy as Balloon Bond)
  • Backing is split in half for easy application
  • Instant, strong adhesion
  • The roll is expensive, but is very cost effective

Balloon Bond

  • Just adhesive (not a tape)
  • Takes a little bit longer to adhere to surfaces
  • Very stretchy
  • You only need a little bit!
  • Great for an ‘invisible’ join
  • The roll is expensive, but it is very cost effective
  • VERY sticky! – I once stuck this to a plastic bowl to connect a pedestal and it would not budge, let alone come off!

What do you prefer to use? Balloon Bond or Stretchy Balloon Tape? Let us know in the comments or send us an email, we’d love to hear your thoughts!

Happy sticking!



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