Dinosaur Designs with Doctor Bob – BMTV 236


This week on BMTV we are joined once again by Doctor Bob, who shows us not one but two air fill dinosaur designs. The focus of these designs is adding value and creating unique designs that will usually last 3 x longer than a helium design.

For the first design Doctor Bob uses a 47 inch T-Rex Dinosaur balloon to which he first adds two attachment points to the feet so it can be later attached to the rest of the design. To create this, he takes a black 260Q and makes sure all the air is out of it. He then holds one of the dinosaur feet and lays the 260Q across, sticking one piece of balloon tape across the 260Q to stick in place and then another piece above and then a third piece below to create a ‘H’ shape. You can then press down on the tape to make sure it is secure and stuck down. Then you can tie 3 knots into the 260Q to secure.

The base of the design is made up of 11 inch black and white Superagate balloons made into a cluster of 4 and then on top of this a cluster of 4 5” black latex is added. To create a different shaped base, Doctor Bob ties two inflated black and white agate balloons together and puts a balloon either side of the base and wraps around to secure in place. He then does the same with the 5 inch black latex – tying two inflated ones together and wrapping around the cluster of black latex to secure in place, that also hold down the extra Superagate balloons.

You then take the 47 inch T-Rex and secure it in place on top of the base, tying in place with the 260Q’s that are attached to the dinosaur. You can add other parts to this design, such as extra ‘rocks’ or lava which will add extra value to the final design.

For the second design Doctor Bob creates a similar base to the last but using 11 inch green Superagate balloons and 5 inch lime green latex balloons. The base is made up of a cluster of 4 green Superagate balloons, with a cluster of 4, 5 inch latex balloons on top. He then adds just two of the 11 inch green Superagate balloons tied together, one either side and wrapped around the base.

To this base he adds a 51 inch Apatosaurus dinosaur foil balloon, which again has two connection points added to the feet created with lime green 260Q’s. These are wrapped around the base to secure the dinosaur in place. He then creates some palm trees to add to the design using mocha brown 350Q’s and adds a cluster of 5 inch mocha brown latex to one end which will be the base of the palm tree. At the other end he twists a small part of the end to create a bubble shape and then pulls down the end piece of the balloon and ties it around the bubble.

To create the palm leaves he inflates 5 lime green 260Q’s and with each one ties the ends together, so you have circular shapes. With each one he holds each end and then folds in half and twists around, creating two ‘leaf’ shapes. You can then squeeze and bend the two sections to distort them. These can then be attached to the brown tree trunk at the top where the bubble part is. He creates two palm trees for the design and secures these in place to the design, either side of the dinosaur.

Doctor Bob then creates some green ferns to add to the design, using lime green 160Q’s. These can be then added into the base of the design, again adding extra value.



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