Interview with Santa Claus – BMTV 100

This week we have a very very very special guest. We never thought we would meet this person but he’s here for an exclusive BMTV interview. It is of course, Santa himself! He turned up expectantly (check out our Christmas Video to find out why!) so Greg didn’t have any questions prepared but he has had some on his mind that he’s always wanted to ask!

If a house doesn’t have a chimney, how do you get in?

Well this is pretty straight forward, Santa is able to unlock any door or window, so he simply goes through the doors and windows!

How old are you Santa?

1746 years old this year! Santa doesn’t look that old though, this is because he was spreading so much joy and happiness that the universe decided he should live forever. Therefore Santa is immortal!

Do you have a favourite Reindeer?

No. Santa does not have a favourite. He says that, just like children, it would not be right to say that he does.

What do you eat on Christmas day?

Well like most people, Santa eats turkey, brussels sprouts and Christmas pud!

Are you always this fat?

Well no, Santa is not always this fat. He slims down in the summer and goes running and cycling. During the winter period however. Santa is travelling very high up in the sky to get around the world so quickly. It is very cold up there so he bulks up for Christmas and puts on a few pounds!

What food do you like most left for you when visiting someone’s house

Mince pies! That’s his favourite.

Something interesting about you that people might not know

Well his middle name is Dennis!

What is the favourite Christmas present that you’ve ever had?

Santa has two favourites. As he does get very cold, he got some hand warmers from Mrs Claus. His seconds favourite is a USB fan to keep him cold in the warmer countries!

What is your favourite balloon?

Santa says that this year, it has to be the sitting Santa balloon, because, of course, it is based on himself!

Where do you like to go on your holidays?

“South! Many different places but always south!”

What sort of music do you like?

Santa likes a real mix of music, but he does use Spotify! If you type in “Santamusic2016” then you’ll be able to see his playlist that he has created!
That’s it for this time, see you next week!


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