Recycling Helium from an Unused Balloon – TOP TIP #3


In light of the current global helium shortage (May 2019), here’s a little tip to make the most of your helium and save a few pennies!

Let’s imagine you encounter a faulty balloon (On average, the failure rate is approximately 1%, which is very low but unfortunately it does happen from time to time). So, you’ve inflated the balloon with helium and almost straight away the balloon goes a little bit squishy and looks a little sad, here’s what to do:

  • Take a household straw or a hollow balloon stick and insert it into the new balloon very carefully so as not to cause any damage to the valve.
  • Insert the other end of the straw or balloon stick into the valve of the faulty balloon – you will need insert almost all of the straw or balloon stick into this balloon.
  • Bring the two necks of the balloons closer together and grip these tightly in one of your hands to prevent any helium escaping. Push firmly on the faulty balloon and you should see the helium slowly transferring into the new balloon and inflating it!
  • You may need to add a little more helium to the new balloon as some will have escaped as it went down, however, you’ve saved a few pennies by reusing helium!

As always, let us know if you have any other top tips to Reduce, Reuse or Recycle balloons and balloon-related products by leaving a comment down below!



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