Taking the Next Step in Business: Action Coach Kevin Stansfield – BMTV 143


Welcome to another BMTV Business show. This time we are talking to an award-winning business coach and author, Kevin Stansfield. Kevin runs Action Coach Solent, a Hampshire based coaching enterprise designed to help growing businesses take the next step. Kevin has graciously offered his time and expertise to give you a few tips on how to create a business plan and take action!

Kevin has devised a 5 point plan for moving forward. The first thing you have to do is decided on your dream, this is what you want to achieve in the long term, this is why you are in business and can be anything. From want to be a millionaire to simply being happy and getting paid for what you love doing. From your dream you need to set some goals. These are what you want to achieve in a shorter timeframe, what is your goal for your business over the next year. A lot of the time people don’t set goals because they are afraid they won’t achieve them. Kevin says that all successful businesses fail in their goals and move forward anyway, the important thing is to learn from your mistakes and this is the third part of the plan, learn. Next you have to come up with a plan of action of how you are going to achieve your goals. This needs to be specific, measurable, achievable and realistic within a timeframe. An example of this would be a car salesperson wanting to hold 15 more cars in stock this year than they did last year. The fifth part of the plan is action, you need to put you’re plan into place. The car salesperson needs to actually go out and buy the extra cars they need to full fill their plan.

Kevin says that people are naturally quite good at achieving their goals but what they aren’t good at is setting stretching goals when they are comfortable. This is because they don’t want to lose what they have got and this is often why new business get stuck in a rut of just being busy but not growing as a business. The thing you need to do is put a plan together and take action!

Kevin has written a book containing his expertise and things that have inspired him as a businessman. Basically covering what we’ve already talked about but in a lot more detail, you can find his book at thebigdipperbook.com or get it on Amazon!



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