Work-life Balance & Popcorn Hand – BMTV 141


It is national work-life balance week this week so Greg has a few tips on managing your personal life with your work life. Greg’s tip is to set time aside for the different aspects of your life and don’t let one encroach upon the other. He uses the example of when him and Rachel started their business, they were working from home sending out balloons in boxes. If you’ve done balloon-in-a-box before you’ll know how much space it takes up and Greg and Rachel decided to hideaway all their balloon paraphernalia into the garage on the weekends so their house was dedicated to family time and home time. So, set some rules and boundaries around when you work and when you don’t!

It is also national cake week and we wanted to talk to you about cake toppers! We obviously have a range of candles in various different designs from age-shaped candles to candles that give out different coloured flames and even candles in the shape of Lego bricks! But we also have various cake topper decorations like these glittery script word decorations and these unicorn picks.

The next thing we wanted to talk about is cello bags. We have a few different designs of these and they are used for filling with sweets like our very own Rachel did to create the Christmas themed gifts in the image below. Another great idea is to fill the skeleton hand cello bag with popcorn and attach a business card to it to give out as a trick or treat gift. It is something different and a great marketing opportunity for getting your business name out there.

The final thing we wanted to discuss is some new rose-gold items. These are satin ribbon in the ever-popular colour and these shiny cardboard box weights for holding down large bunches of balloons or arches.

That’s it for this week. Question of the week, what does good work-life balance look like to you?



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