Happy 1st Ballooniversary Rob!

It’s Rob’s first ‘ballooniversary’ today so what better day to kick off our series of ‘Meet the Team’ blogs than with Rob’s?!

Rob is responsible for a couple of new phrases which are often bandied around the office. The first is “Ahh, it’s Rob Magic” which is used to explain how/why something clever or techy has occurred. The second is “You can never have enough lights” as Rob is a big fan of lights when it comes to filming and working his magic on BMTV!


Anyway, enough from me, here’s more about Rob from Rob:


Rob Turnbull

Job Role:

Website Content & Videographer

How long have you worked for Balloon Market?

1 year TODAY!

What does your job entail on a day to day basis?

My job is mainly multimedia based. I film and edit the BMTV episodes, as well as the how-to and product demonstration videos for Balloon Market. I also photograph products that we don’t have images for and edit them for use on the website. I also upload and format all the blogs (like this one!) that go onto our website.

What’s your favourite product that we stock?

A Northstar 16” Pirate fish has been sitting inflated on my desk ever since I started! This guy is a firm favourite.


When are you happiest?

Having a lazy weekend with nothing to do, watching a film or getting into a good TV show!

What’s your biggest phobia?

Losing all my teeth or teeth falling out! I do have nightmares about this sometimes.

What accomplishment are you most proud of?

Getting a 1st in my film degree. Something I wasn’t expecting and a real surprise.

Top thing on your bucket list?

Do a tour of all the American states, preferably in a campervan.

Favourite restaurant?

Probably Happy Cheese, cheap pub food but they do a selection of really good burgers.

What makes you angry? What would you put into Room 101?

When people feel entitled to something that isn’t for them. For instance when people park in disabled car parking spots when they aren’t disabled. Why do they feel above other people that are less fortunate than them?

What was the last picture you took on your phone?

Probably the socket of a light switch so I could buy the right wattage bulb… I don’t take a lot of pictures.


Fantasy dinner party?

  • Stewart Lee – Favourite comedian, quite dry and sarcastic but intelligent. Bases a lot of his stand up on his act falling apart and the audience hating him which is a concept I like.
  • Armando Iannucci – Writer for things like “the Thick of It” and “Alan Partridge”. A bizarre anti-humour that I find hilarious.
  • Charlie Brooker – Comedic presenter and satirist, picks apart a lot of how TV works and has a grim take on the world that is quite entertaining.

So lots of comedians basically!

3 non-essential items to take on a desert island.

  1. Doritos chilli heatwave – big bag.
  2. Home cinema system with access to all the latest Film/TV releases.
  3. A mysterious hatch with lottery numbers on the side. (Rachel – This answer was ‘LOST’ on me but hopefully it won’t be on you!)

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