Adios and Good Luck!


Today we bid a fond farewell to Robbie as he leaves to begin a new phase as a student at Portsmouth University.

Robbie joined us in January this year but since we already had a Rob in our team, Robbie, (who is a fluent speaker of Spanish and originally from Peru), quickly became known by his middle-name; Chico!

Robbie has been extremely busy working in the warehouse, checking off daily deliveries, re-stocking the rows and rows of blue bins with balloons and picking your orders. In fact, if you’ve received a packing slip and been given a smiley face at the bottom, then that would be from Chico!

Some of you may also have spoken to Robbie if he’s called regarding any queries on your order. If you haven’t had the good fortune of speaking to him, then you’ll definitely have seen a picture of him on the Thank You card! Taken in one of his first days with us, Robbie was happy to get ‘stuck in’ and has proved to be a great team player and one with hidden talents too….

After several months of working here, we learned that Robbie is a singer/songwriter. Naturally, we asked him if he’d perform for us at one of our weekly team meetings and to which he obliged. What a star!


We’re certainly going to miss Robbie but with long academic holidays, perhaps it will be more “Hasta Luego” than “Adios!”

Good Luck Chico from all of us here in the Balloon Market Team!

Good Luck at Uni card

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