Alternatives to Balloon Releases

For many, the gentle drifting upward of balloons when released offers a sense of letting go. This and the thought of the balloons reaching their loved one make balloon releases an attractive proposition.

However, remembering a loved one by mass littering and causing potential harm to wildlife and the environment is not acceptable (see our blog ‘Do the right thing and say “No!” to balloon releases). So, we’ve put together some alternatives which can be used whether it’s in remembrance or celebration or simply for creating a spectacle where a balloon release may once have been considered.

Floating Flowers

Floating flowers or flower petals down a calm stream can give you the same sense of letting go.

It’s important to remember to use native flowers and be conservative in the amount you release.

The Real Flower Confetti Company grow acres of flowers on the Wyke Manor Estate in Worcestershire – it looks spectacular!


Blowing bubbles is a great way to release your feelings and just let go whilst breathing in and gently exhaling to blow the bubbles skywards can prove therapeutic. Like balloons, bubbles can also be imagined to travel upwards to reach a loved one but without the negative environmental impact.

Blowing bubbles in celebration is also fun and can provide a fantastic prop for a good wedding photographer. Just imagine the spectacular sight of countless numbers of bubbles of differing size, floating away into the sky taking a little breath of every person gathered!

Here’s a link to a recipe for Eco-friendly bubble mixture –

Wildflower Seed Bombs

Whether for a celebration of life or a celebration of marriage, wildflower seed bombs are ideal for getting everyone involved and once rooted, will bring pleasure for many years to come.

Here’s how a link to how to make your own wildflower seed bombs –


Releasing butterflies

Butterflies have long been a symbol of freedom, love and new life or the beginning of a new journey therefore making them an ideal alternative to balloon releases.

Like most butterflies world-wide, British butterflies are in decline and are becoming scarce due to the destruction of habitat, intensive farming and pesticides. So, instead of harming the environment by releasing balloons, you could actually be actively improving the environment.

A quick search online turned up a result for Butterfly Connections who offer butterfly releases for both weddings and funerals throughout the UK.

Balloon Drops

Crowds go wild for balloons, especially if they contain prizes! Just take a look at this article in the Romford Recorder.  So, if it’s a spectacle you’re after, then perhaps something like a balloon drop could be the answer. Whilst the balloons will still provide a certain amount of litter at the end, the balloons would be in a contained area and can be fully cleared away.

balloon drop

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