Meet the team: Aimee!


Welcome to The Balloon Market Blog! After a brief hiatus, we’re back to give you the inside scoop of all things Balloon Market.

Today we’re going to be having a chat with our talented E-Commerce Manager: Aimee! She’s been a member of the Balloon Market Team for 6 years, and it’s her job to oversee the wide variety of products, images, and special offers that you can find on our website. If you’ve seen those stylish banners across our various pages and socials, they’ve likely been made by her! Let’s see what she has to say…

On the Meet the Team page, you’ve listed a fun fact about yourself. Tell us more about that!

I think it says that I have over 25 plant babies? Most of them are quite big now. We have a Monstera, which is probably my favourite; that one’s very big. My brother gave it to us, and it broke at one point, but then we fixed him up. Trying to water them all was…stressful. Full time job.

What do you enjoy most about working at Balloon Market?

There’s always lots to do! I don’t like not being busy at work. No two days that are the same: sometimes I’m doing image stuff, sometimes I’m doing E-Commerce stuff, sometimes I’m doing website stuff. It’s nice to have a mix of things to do.

Do you have a favourite product that we stock?

I had to have a think about this…I like the Macrame Wall Hangings and the Disco Balls. I really want the big silver disco ball when it comes into stock.

What’s the No.1 thing on your Bucket List?

An American Road Trip. I’ve been to America a couple of times and done smaller ones, but I’d love to go for 6 months to do as many places as possible. I’d love to go to the Pacific Northwest; that area would be nice.

What’s your favourite kind of food? Is there a restaurant that you love to go to?

Probably Mexican food. I really love Guacamole and Sour Cream. In Southampton there’s a restaurant called ‘La Baronia’…that’s really good. It’s a very nice environment in there with very nice food.

Describe your perfect evening; do you prefer going out or staying in?

I stay in most evenings, but I’d like to go out I think, for my perfect evening. So, I’d probably go out for dinner and then to the cinema. But not home too late because I can’t stay up late anymore. 10:30pm is my cut off.

What’s your favourite time of year? Is there a particular season or holiday that you’re fond of?

Time of year would be end of Summer/beginning of Autumn, because it’s still quite light in the evenings but then it’s not too hot. And for the Holiday…Christmas is just the best. I love the build-up to Christmas more than Christmas itself!

Is there something that most people like that you don’t?

I’m quite picky when it comes to drinks: I don’t like fizzy drinks and I also don’t like hot drinks. So, I’m very limited to what I like. I normally drink Squash, Juice, Water. I wish I liked hot drinks because Coffee would be great when you’re tired. I just can’t get on board with them.

And finally, what’s your favourite song currently?

There is a song called ‘Boyfriends’ by Harry Styles. Big Harry Styles fan: I went to see him in Manchester, and it was great. That’s probably my favourite song of his at the moment.

Do you have a question for the readers?

‘If you could live in a TV Show, what would it be and why?’

Many thanks to Aimee for letting us know all about her! If I had the choice of living in a TV Show, it’d likely be Blue Planet. I mean, technically we are already living in Blue Planet, but love to be up close to aquatic animals without the risk of a random shark attack or something.

Let us know your answers to this week’s question below! Until next time!



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