Meet the team: Lynsey!


It’s time once again for an entry in The Balloon Market Blog: the place to find interviews and insights from our lovely BM team!

We’re heading back into the warehouse this week to have a chat with Lynsey, a member of our hard-working packing team! Her duties includes efficiently packaging a variety of products to be sent out to customers like you, as well as occasionally picking orders so they’re ready to be packed! It’s always a busy time for our warehouse team, but they consistently manage to get the job done! Let’s hear from Lynsey herself…

On the Meet the Team page, you’ve listed a fun fact about yourself. Tell us more about that!

I believe my fun fact was I’m very pleased that giant pandas are no longer endangered! I’ve always adored giant pandas, since I was about 9? Years ago, on the San Diego Zoo website, you could watch their animals on a live camera, and me and my mum used to sit and watch polar bears, giant pandas, elephants: all of them. I was even fortunate enough to go out there and see them a few times!

What do you enjoy most about working at Balloon Market?

I think it has to be the people! I know everyone has said that, but it’s true! I get to go home happy every day. Everyone gets on with everyone, we’re all chatty and approachable, we all just get on! Each person has their own characteristics but we all manage to work together regardless.

Do you have a favourite product that we stock?

Well, when I first started, I obviously liked the giant panda balloons we did. But recently, I’ve gotten really excited about the new yarn we’re getting in, because I crochet. Seeing all the different types that we’re stocking has been really great!

If you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be and why?

To be able to crochet things without needing to find a pattern for it. So, if someone were to say ‘hey, can you crochet that?’, I’d be like ‘yeah, of course!’. I started learning just before lockdown, so I went online and grabbed my first ball of yarn and a set of hooks… and away I went! Like anything, I was terrible at first but then I kept persevering and got better. And with lockdown happening, I had plenty of time to learn.

What’s the No.1 thing on your bucket list?

I don’t really have a bucket list, which makes me sound really boring; I think I’m just taking my life every day as it comes. I don’t want the stress of ‘ooh, I’ve not been able to do that! Oh no!’ and just cause myself unnecessary stress. That said, I would actually love to visit Disneyland Paris one day, being the avid Disney fan that I am. Ironically, I’ve been to the one in Orlando once and went to the one in California a couple of times, but I’ve never been to the one that’s closest to us.

What’s your favourite kind of food? Is there a restaurant that you love to go to?

I’m a big foodie, so I like a lot of food. But if I had to narrow it down, it’d be Chinese. I love chinese food, there’s a restaurant that me and my partner go to near Fareham called ‘Kams Palace’. It’s amazing, the building itself has been transported over from China; it’s very authentic. I only know that because the manager is so proud and tells us that all the time.

What was your most and least favourite subjects at school?

My favourite was Art; I’ve always had a bit of an arty/crafty spark. Not to mean I’m very good at it, I just enjoy it mainly. I always looked at art as it was just 50 minutes of being able to draw whatever I wanted. And my least favourite…it was French. Genuinely because I was never any good at remembering the language. But I wasn’t that interested in it, and the teacher was absolutely frightening.

Is there something that most people like that you don’t?

Salt & Vinegar Pringles! Specifically Pringles, because the last time I had them my lips blew up like a balloon. I can eat other brands of salt & vinegar crisps no problem, and I’m not slating Pringles at all, but those ones? They made my tongue numb and my lips all nasty, it was very weird.

Do you have any good movie recommendations?

I’m a huge fan of Back to the Future, so if you haven’t watched the trilogy, please do so! It is my favourite all time film, or films in this case.

Do you have a question for the readers?

‘If you could crochet or knit anything, what would you make?’

Many thanks to Lynsey for this week’s interview! I haven’t tried to knit or crochet once in my life, so it’s safe to assume I wouldn’t be any good at it. I don’t have the patience for projects like that. That said, I did once receive a hand-crocheted figure of actor Danny DeVito as a birthday present; the likeness was uncanny. Even if I tried, I wouldn’t be able to top that.

Let us know your answers to this week’s question below! See you all next time!



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