Meet the team: Mia!


Hey there! Whatever you’re up to today, thanks for coming to have a read of The Balloon Market Blog!

We’ve got another Warehouse Supervisor to talk to today, and her name is Mia! Even when the orders pile up and cut-off time approaches, the warehouse team always work together to get your parcels out both quickly and efficiently, and it’s people like Mia who help keep everything organised! Let’s get to know all about her…

On the Meet the Team page, you’ve listed not just one… but TWO fun facts about yourself. Tell us more about them!

I think the first fact was that I do a bit of singing in my spare time. I like to enter competitions; I have entered The Voice and I did get quite far! That was quite a few years ago now, but I’m not focusing on it as much anymore. The second crazy fact is I’m a bit of a Pokémon geek, as you’ll probably find out

What do you enjoy most about working at Balloon Market?

Well, I love working with everybody. We have a really good team here, so that’s probably what I enjoy the most, but I also LOVE being on the forklift. I never thought I would drive one, then I came here and was asked “do you want to do your forklift license” and I’m like “yes please!”. I was petrified at first, but after passing the course I felt way more comfortable.

Do you have a favourite product that we stock?

We do these Planet Eco Teddies and they’re completely made out of recyclable plastic bottles, and I just think they’re awesome. And my favourite one specifically… it’s got to be the turtle. I love turtles.

Do you collect anything?

I have a hell of a lot of Pokémon cards. Unfortunately, the old-school cards that are probably going for thousands now… I’ve lost them. I SWEAR they’re up in the attic, but they’re just gone! I’m a bit gutted about that, but I’m still collecting them regardless. I have loads of separate binders for every single type of Pokémon, like ‘Fire Type’ for one binder and ‘Water Type’ for another. It’s all very organised.

What’s the No.1 thing on your bucket list?

I’ve kind of ticked off my bucket list already! I’ve done a lot of travelling: I volunteered in South Africa for 6 months, working with exotic animals and big cats. The next thing on the list is saving up lots of money to hopefully buy my first property. The main priority is to have a garden for my dog!

What’s your favourite kind of food? Is there a restaurant that you love to go to?

I love Italian food. Pizza, pasta, probably a good beef lasagne. My favourite restaurant is Zizzi in Southampton. I’m all for anything Italian: cheese is just the best!

When this post goes live, Christmas will only be a few days away! What is your favourite thing about Christmas Day?

It’s got to be watching my dog open up all of his Christmas presents! I’ve literally bought him about 30 presents so far. I’ve wrapped them, and he will individually unwrap every single one and he’ll be so excited. We’ve even bought matching jumpers for Christmas Day!

Is there something that most people like that you don’t?

A lot of people like spicy food… I can’t stand it. I’m not a spice person at all, I can’t tolerate it. It just ruins the food; all you can taste is the spiciness! When it comes to curry, I can just about do a Korma. I might be able to push it to a mild Chicken Tikka, but nothing more than that.

As someone who is a huge fan of the series, who is YOUR favourite Pokémon?

I was going to say Eevee, but I’ll pick one of the evolutions… Flareon. They’re all so cute! And with the evolutions, you can catch every single type. You’ve got a water type, a fire type, a psychic type: you can have the whole lot! And I think it’s just amazing to build your team with all the Eevee evolutions.

Do you have a question for the readers?

‘What is your favourite Planet Eco soft toy?’

Big thanks to Mia for joining us this week! All of the super soft Planet Eco toys are just adorable, but if I had to choose one it’d have to be the Kangaroo. It even has a little pouch that you can put things in, like pencils or loose change. By far the most practical plush of the bunch.

Let us know your answers to this week’s question below! See you all next time!



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