Meet the team: Kerry!


Hello again! You’re probably here to read all about one of our lovely team members for another entry in The Balloon Market blog, right? Thought so. Let’s get to it!

Today we’re in the warehouse once again, discussing a range of topics with Kerry! There are many responsibilities for a member of the warehouse crew: from picking out and packing up orders to the various tasks to keep everything tidy, and Kerry is one of the many people who help make sure your order is prepared with pride each step of the way! Want to learn more about Kerry? Let’s hear her answers to this week’s questions…

On the Meet the Team page, you’ve listed a fun fact about yourself. Tell us more about that!

I’ve actually decided to go for something that doesn’t correspond to what my fun fact is, so here’s a completely different one for you: I own a collection of tills! The first one I ever bought came from a fish and chip shop where the man wouldn’t take any money from me for it, so I ended up putting a £5 note in the charity donation pot instead. I have quite a few tills up in my loft, there’s about 5 or 6? They range from antiques to more modern day ones. It stemmed from my love of playing shops when I was a little girl. To be fair, I haven’t added one that collection in about 10 years: my loft is getting too full!

What do you enjoy most about working at Balloon Market?

This is very easy for me: I enjoy packing the most! It’s like solving a puzzle because you’ve got all these different items in the order, the box has got to be the right size, all the fragile items have to be bubble wrapped… and then you’ve got to make sure everything fits in all snug! When I started I thought I’d prefer picking over packing, but now I actually prefer packing more!

Do you have a favourite product that we stock?

It’s the jumbo jet balloons! I wish I knew about them when I first started because I would’ve had one with me for the staff photo. As a child, I used to go to Heathrow and Gatwick and there was a viewing lounge that my dad would take me to all day, just to see the planes land. I have a fascination with airplanes but I hate flying; I hate the thought of crashing.

What is something you’ve done that you never though you would do?

Getting my PADI Scuba Diving qualification! I was bought try-dive for a Mother’s Day present once, and I quite liked doing it, so then I went on to do it a bit more. When you start out you’re going around Horsey Lake, which is a really murky lake that has a bunch of sunken tanks and helicopters that are all submerged: it’s really eerie under there. I’ve actually dived in the UK and Cyprus, but I was slightly worried doing the latter because I’ve always had a fear of sharks… you never know what’s swimming about in those warmer waters!

What’s the No.1 thing on your bucket list?

I’d like to go on a cruise through the Norwegian Fjords, and hopefully see the Northern Lights! I know it’s never guaranteed and that’s the risk you have to take as it’s quite an expensive thing to do. I’m sure the Fjords are nice enough without the lights though!

What’s your favourite kind of food? Is there a favourite restaurant you like to go to?

I don’t actually have a favourite food in particular, but I just like a big plate of whatever I’m eating! Apparently I have hollow legs so if you’re gonna feed me something, be sure to feed me well! I enjoy going out to eat as not having to cook is so nice!

What would you grow in your ideal garden?

I’d definitely grow all my own fruit and veg, but if there was enough room I’d also like to have my own little animal sanctuary. No particular pets in general, just those in need and would otherwise be put to sleep; they’d be able to come and live the rest of their years in my garden.

Is there something that most people like that you don’t like?

Harry Potter! I’ve not even sat through and watched a whole film, though I’ve probably seen bits of most of them. Fantasy isn’t really my thing, but I’m not a full ‘ANTI-HARRY POTTER’ person; if it was on I wouldn’t leave the room, but it’s just not for me.

Do you have any good recommendations?

I don’t really like to pick favourites on anything, so I’ve chosen to share an important piece of advice instead: We’re all here only once, so do whatever makes you happy and don’t be afraid to make a change! I was in a job for 14 years, and the last few years had been quite stressful, but I decided to take the risk of trying something new to come here and I’m so happy I did! If you’re unhappy, do make that change!

Do you have a question for the readers?

‘Is there a balloon design that we don’t stock that you would like to see?’

Big thanks for the talk, Kerry! It’s been mentioned before, but we have SO many products here at Balloon Market HQ, with a majority of those being the titular ‘balloons’ themselves. We’ve got foils, bubbles and latex galore, so you’re more than likely to find exactly what you’re looking for. If not, we’re always on hand to lend a suggestion or two! If I was to create another design to add to our vast collection, it’d be a duck balloon. Specifically, I’d choose a design of a mallard or mandarin duck; the colours on those birds would really pop in a display!

Let us know your answers to this week’s question below! See you all next time!



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