Aimee has been with us at Balloon Market for a whole year today! So, we thought what better day than today to get to ‘gnome’ her a little better?!
Working in the Content Team, Aimee’s design skills are regularly called upon to create lots of lovely images for our website as well as social media.
With a degree in Illustration, Aimee is clearly very creative so we asked Aimee if she could come up with something to represent her first year with us and this is the result…. The Celebration Gnome, inspired by her daily view! Isn’t it just the cutest!

You may be wondering why Aimee has a gnome balloon on her desk. Well, this Northstar balloon was inflated with air around 4 years ago and is still going strong! We just can’t bear to put him in the understairs cupboard in the warehouse, otherwise known as ‘the cupboard where balloons go to die’.

Happy 1st Ballooniversary Aimee!