Meet the team: Abby!


Here comes the next entry in The Balloon Market Blog, written up and ready to go! Chock-full of questions and answers, we’re here to get to know another one of our terrific team members.

For today’s guest, we return to the Customer Support team to have a chat with Abby! If you’ve got a specific Balloon Market query you want the answer to, Abby and the rest of dedicated office team are on hand to talk via email, live chat and phone, helping out with whatever you might need! Now, it’s time to learn the facts from Abby herself!

On the Meet the Team page, you’ve listed a fun fact about yourself. Tell us more about that!

I think my fun fact was that I like to paint animals in my spare time. I don’t do it very often, but I really like painting bumble bees! I’m a runner when it comes to bees, but I just love to paint them as they look so nice! I also painted dogs for my family during lockdown.

What do you enjoy most about working at Balloon Market?

It’s got to be the people. Everyone here is so nice and friendly, whether it’s the warehouse or the office team, which makes it a very nice atmosphere to work in!

Do you have a favourite product that we stock?

I think it’s a PartyDeco balloon… the green dinosaur, it might be a triceratops? I don’t know why it’s my favourite, but I really want to get it because it’s very cute. All of PartyDeco’s stuff is cute though; they’ve pretty much nailed that style!

Aside from money, what thing would you like to have a lifetime amount of?

It’s a tricky one. I was originally going to say something ridiculous like dogs, but I wouldn’t know what to do with them all! My new answer is probably art supplies, specifically white paint. Every time I go to paint, I don’t have any to use. And then I buy some more, and it’s gone again the next time! I mainly use it to brighten up certain shades in my paintings, so it gets used constantly.

What’s the No.1 thing on your bucket list?

To do a sky-dive! I was supposed to do one last Summer with my brother, and we just never got around to doing it. I’d like to go somewhere sunny for it, maybe Australia? They always make that look so cool on shows like I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! Those views must be amazing.

Is there a favourite restaurant you like to go to?

For a restaurant I like the most, I’ve only been to it once or twice, but I’m a big fan of L’Osteria. Their Carbonara is just amazing… I had it for my birthday last year and I can’t stop thinking about it!

What is your favourite smell and why?

Apple & cinnamon! You can get candles that have that smell and it’s just Christmas in a pot. I wish I could have that all year round, but I associate it so much with that season that I have to wait until Christmas time to buy it again.

Is there something that most people like that you don’t like?

Star Wars. My fiancé loves it, but it’s just not for me. I think I watched the first film when I was younger and I just didn’t click with it. I prefer something like a comedy or a thriller.

Do you have any good TV recommendations?

I have to recommend Brooklyn Nine-Nine! It’s my all-time favourite programme I think; I’ve rewatched it so many times now. I think there’s about eight seasons or so.

Do you have a question for the readers?

‘If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be and why?’

Thank you for this week’s interview, Abby! Now, there’s so many people I’d love to have dinner with (if you hadn’t already guessed by now, I like asking lots of questions). And as a film fan, there’s so many different actors, directors, writers and more that I’d really like to talk to about their careers. My answer would have to be Bill Hader for now: I’m a big fan of his TV show Barry, which you should definitely watch if you get the chance!

Let us know your answers to this week’s question below! See you all next time!



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