Meet the team: Lara!


Howdy stranger! Welcome to The Balloon Market Blog, where you can read all about the wonderful people working at our company!

For this week’s interview, we have another member of the Web Content Team to talk to: Lara! Along with taking on the usual duties of an E-Commerce Administrator, Lara has also recently taken charge of our TikTok account, where you can find all kinds of funny videos and behind the scenes looks! But enough background… it’s interview time!

On the Meet the Team page, you’ve listed a fun fact about yourself. Tell us more about that!

The fun fact is that I make candles, but they’re not even ready to go yet! They just take so long to do… I have my own little room in the garage at home. I think the most difficult part was the testing side of it, because you’d think it’d just be: container, wick, done! But each different percentage and scent had a different size wick and you have to keep changing the percentages for the wick. Not only that, but they’re all different! 16 of them… which, to be fair, I think I bit off more than I could chew. I’m really bad at narrowing things down, at first it was like 25!

What do you enjoy most about working at Balloon Market?

Probably the fact that I get to do something different nearly every day. Like, today, I didn’t think I’d be carted round in an Elf Bath at 70mph, but here I am! (A product of Greg’s chaos in BMTV 414). I’ve also been doing TikTok’s for about a month and a half now, which has been a lot of fun!

Do you have a favourite product that we stock?

I like all the PartyDeco foils, they’re always just really cute and not cringey. And I also like the packaging on the Hootyballoo products; they’re always easy to write descriptions about because they’re so nice!

Have you ever won a competition? If not, what competition do you think you could win?

I’ve never actually won a competition! It’s quite sad, really. I don’t know what I could win… I’d probably win on pure luck over anything. I’m doing quite well in the BM World Cup Sweepstakes, so we’ll see how that pans out…
(Editor’s Note: Lara actually ended up winning the Sweepstakes in the end! What are the chances?)

What’s the No.1 thing on your bucket list?

There are people I’d like to meet, but they’re really random people. You know when you’re just like ‘wow, I’d love to meet that person!’ I was going to meet someone like that last Saturday, she was just like a skin care lady. But it ended up getting cancelled and I was really upset! I’d also love to travel but I’m really scared of flying.

What’s your favourite kind of food? Is there a restaurant that you love to go to?

I do have a favourite kind of food, but I don’t really have a restaurant I can go to for it because it’d be too expensive. You know on like, MasterChef for example, when they do classic British food. They’d do like creamy mash, high-end steak and… celeriac puree, they always do that! But that’s more like the posh restaurants in London, and I’ve never actually been to one of those. The closest thing I have is Toby Carvery!

Your blog post will be the last one of 2022! Do you have any New Year’s Resolutions?

Probably to not be so mean to myself. You know when you take a selfie and you’re like ‘that looks disgusting’, and then you look back at it two months later and say ‘oh, that wasn’t that bad!’. It’s like when you look in the mirror the wrong way.

Is there something that most people like that you don’t?

Friends. The TV show, not just general people. It’s not funny! American humour just isn’t funny to me, I’m sorry. I’ve not even tried watching it, but I keep seeing snippets on my feed and none of them can make me laugh.

Do you have any good TV show recommendations?

Ghosts! It’s so good, it’s like Horrible Histories for adults, really funny. I also like a bit of Benidorm, but I feel like it probably wouldn’t pass nowadays. I love watching programmes over and over again, I have a long list of shows that I’d just watch back-to-back.

Do you have a question for the readers?

‘How do you pronounce ‘beetroot’?’

Thanks for joining us this week, Lara! Now, I bet you might be confused about Lara’s question of the week: well, this was actually a heated discussion throughout Balloon Market! Half of us pronounce the T’s, the other half doesn’t! It all has to do with accents, emphasis, and glottal stops, if you know what they are!

Let us know your answers to this week’s question below! See you all next time!



If you’re looking for more fun and behind the scenes action from BM HQ, be sure to like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram and check out our TikTok!

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